Alex Rider age rating: Is the TV series suitable for children?

Alex Rider - Season 1 - Episode 103. Image courtesy Des Willie/Sony Pictures Television. © 2019 Sony Pictures Television
Alex Rider - Season 1 - Episode 103. Image courtesy Des Willie/Sony Pictures Television. © 2019 Sony Pictures Television

A look at the Alex Rider age rating for the IMDb TV original series

Alex Rider is the big release on Amazon Prime Video, and you likely want some time to watch it. With kids around, you need to know if something you want to watch is suitable for them. That means looking at the Alex Rider age rating.

Each country is going to have its own standard when it comes to setting age ratings. However, they’re usually around the same level.

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In the United States, the Alex Rider age rating is set as TV-14. This means it is suitable for those age 14+, which is about the same as most broadcast TV shows. It’s rate that a streaming drama is below a TV-MA now because streamers allow more explicit content, so it’s good to have something you can watch with your teens around.

The UK has set the rating as a 12, and in France it is 13. You can see each of the country’s ratings on the IMDb page.

If your children have read the books, they’re going to want to watch the TV series. You’ll probably want to watch the show yourself to get an idea of the levels of violence etc. in the show, but it is made for those who loved the books as a kid.

Why is the Alex Rider age rating as it is?

You may want to know the reason for the age rating. This can help you decide if your child is or isn’t mature enough for the content.

All children are different, right?

The Alex Rider age rating is mostly set because of the violence. From the very first episode, there are scenes of violence involving the lead character. These scenes continue throughout the series.

There is also some adult language. The use of the word s**t is common throughout. However, the F-bomb and the C-word aren’t used.

There is some partying, especially early on. We have to remember that the lead characters are in their final years of school, making them between 16 and 18. This is often the age they like to push boundaries.

Alex Rider is available to stream on Amazon Prime Video.