Is a new episode of The Boys Season 2 on tonight?

The Boys Season 2 - Courtesy of Amazon Studios
The Boys Season 2 - Courtesy of Amazon Studios

Can you watch a new episode of The Boys on Amazon Prime Video tonight?

Each week, we’ve had a new episode of The Boys Season 2 to entertain us on Amazon Prime Video. It’s a new Friday tomorrow, so does that mean a new episode?

Sadly, the answer is no. The Boys Season 2 finale aired last week. That means we’re waiting for new episodes of the series.

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The good news is The Boys Season 3 is confirmed. That was picked up before the second season even premiered, Amazon was just so positive about it. The decision wasn’t wasted, either. The show has become one of the most popular streaming shows, and the weekly release certainly helped with that. It wouldn’t be surprising if the show decided to stick to the weekly release moving forward.

We’re getting into spoilers for The Boys Season 3 from this point.

What to expect on The Boys Season 3

We were left with a few answers to questions developed throughout The Boys Season 2 in the finale. However, we were also left with plenty of questions. In true Eric Kripke fashion, the season ended with a cliffhanger.

This time, the cliffhanger is sort of good for The Boys. They had a small victory in the form of taking down Stormfront. That victory was overshadowed by the death of someone close to them. Butcher is going to have his work cut out for him during Season 3.

Then there’s The Seven. A-Train is back, but The Deep isn’t (yet). Homelander has been reined in for the time being, but how long will that last? Oh, and Starlight is back in her old costume, taking charge of her story again.

And we have another Supe to worry about (and not Soldier Boy!). Victoria Neuman was blowing up heads. What does that mean for Season 3?

What do you think of how The Boys Season 2 ended? What do you hope to see on Season 3? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

The Boys Season 2 is now available to stream in full on Amazon Prime Video.