What time is Poldark Season 5 streaming on Amazon Prime Video?

Poldark Season 5 -- Courtesy of PBS -- Acquired via PBS Press Room
Poldark Season 5 -- Courtesy of PBS -- Acquired via PBS Press Room

Poldark Season 5 is heading to Amazon Prime Video this weekend. What time can you start streaming the final season of the period drama?

There are high chances that you watched Poldark Season 5 on PBS when it aired weekly. You may even have got the PBS Passport subscription through Amazon Channels. Well, this weekend, you’ll be able to stream the season on Amazon Prime Video with your Prime membership. What time will that be?

Poldark isn’t a global original. That means the drop isn’t likely to happen early like most other shows. However, sometimes we get lucky. You may find that Poldark Season 5 is available from about 7 p.m. ET or 4 p.m. PT, but this isn’t guaranteed.

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If the episodes aren’t available early, you’ll get them from midnight in your local time zone. Usually, it’s midnight ET, which means it can drop at 9 p.m. the day before on the west coast.

Poldark Season 5 is the confirmed final season. While there were still more books in the series to adapt, the showrunners decided to stop here. The next set of books pick up decades in the future, following the lives of the children of the lead characters we’ve come to know.

This sort of thing doesn’t always work for TV shows—just look at how fans started to turn away from Vikings after Ragnar Lothbrok was killed off in Season 4. Rather than risk the show, the production decided to wrap up the story on a high.

We’ve certainly had to wait some time for the fifth season, but it is worth it. There isn’t much longer to wait now.

Poldark Season 5 will be on Amazon Prime Video by midnight locally on Sunday, May 17.