50 best movies on Amazon Prime Video: Cold War makes it into the Top 20

Cold War -- Photo by Lukasz Bak/Amazon Studios -- Acquired via epk.tv
Cold War -- Photo by Lukasz Bak/Amazon Studios -- Acquired via epk.tv

If you haven’t given Cold War a chance yet, you really need to. This Polish movie has a love story at the heart, but it’s more than that. It’s now made Amazon Adviser’s 50 best movies on Amazon Prime Video.

The 50 best movies on Amazon Prime Video list has been updated. Cold War has been added to the list, and it certainly deserves its placement. If you haven’t checked it out yet, you need to right now.

You can check out the full list of 50 movies to see where it’s debuted. Don’t forget to check out the whole list as there may be movies you’ve never watched before.

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Cold War is a romance film set within the titular time period. Initially set in Poland, it crosses borders and time to bring this whole story to life. The two leads are polar opposites, with love the only thing keeping them together. The big question is whether it’s going to be enough.

Pawel Pawlikowski did a beautiful job of bringing the time period to life. Completely filmed in black and white, you’ll feel like you’re there with the characters, pulled into the placement spectacularly.

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Cold War
Cold War — Photo by Lukasz Bak/Amazon Studios — Acquired via epk.tv

While it didn’t win, Cold War was nominated for three Academy Awards, including Best Foreign Language Film. It certainly deserved those nominations, with 92% of critics and 83% of audiences on Rotten Tomatoes agreeing.

This is one of the shortest movies you’ll find on Amazon Prime Video, but that’s certainly not a bad thing. The story wastes no time in getting straight into the main plot and you’ll never see a dip within the focus. Every single minute is utilized proving that sometimes short is perfect.

Check out where Cold War is on the list of 50 best movies on Amazon Prime Video below.

What are you watching on Amazon Prime Video this weekend? What do you think of Cold War? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Cold War is now available to stream on Amazon Prime Video