This Giant Beast That Is the Global Economy Season 1, Episode 5 review: Counterfeiting may not all be bad

This Giant Beast that Is the Global Economy -- Courtesy of Amazon Prime Video -- Acquired via
This Giant Beast that Is the Global Economy -- Courtesy of Amazon Prime Video -- Acquired via /

We know counterfeiting to be bad. But what if it actually helped the economy? That’s what Kal Penn looks at in This Giant Beast That Is the Global Economy Season 1, Episode 5.

This Giant Beast That Is the Global Economy Season 1, Episode 5 was all about counterfeiting. However, it was immediately clear that it wasn’t just about how bad counterfeiting was to the economy but how good it could also be.

This was an episode that certainly gave a history lesson. It looks at how notes were formed and why Indian made changes to the notes that could be used — one thing I wished it had pointed out is the strict rules on taking the money in and out of the country, partially due to counterfeiting. However, I’ve realized that while this series touches on subjects, it wants you to do your own research afterward.

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The topic had the potential to be dull, but host Kal Penn helped to avoid that. He helped to dumb the information down enough, explaining things in a way that absolutely anyone could understand. And I’m not saying that as a bad thing. This is something Adam Ruins Everything does and I adore the show because it makes the information accessible to all.

This Giant Beast That Is the Global Economy Season 1, Episode 5 takes us around the world once more to show us the problem with counterfeiting money everywhere — and the steps that countries have taken to prevent it. India got rid of some of the higher value notes, while the EU turned to a neuroscientist for help. Yes, really!

It turns out money plays on our brains and that’s why it’s so easy to counterfeit. Look at a note and you’ll notice that there’s something going on — some detail that you’re overlooking. While we’re really good at recognizing differences in faces, that’s not the case or buildings and other structures.

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Did the EU follow the advice given? What was that advice? I highly recommend watching the episode to learn more. It’s fascinating and it turns out there’s a vanity element to the designs on money. Who’da thunk it!

This Giant Beast that Is the Global Economy E1
This Giant Beast that Is the Global Economy — Courtesy of Amazon Prime Video — Acquired via /

Of course, there is something positive to take away from counterfeiting. We get a look at the movie and gaming industry, two other parts of the economy that struggle with counterfeiting. You know, like downloading a bootleg copy of Game of Thrones or even the Harold and Kumar movies.

There’s a chance to delve into the differences between parodying and copying. Penn talks to the creators of “Mockbusters,” although you’ll know them for the absolutely hilariously terrible Sharknado movies. If you’ve ever wondered how the likes of Sharknado and Scary Movie get away with “copying,” this is the episode to check out.

And there’s a look at what companies are doing because of counterfeiting. There will always be someone who takes your idea and does it cheaper. Consumers will end up buying that bootleg copy to save money. Yet, some gaming companies are coming up with cheeky and ingenious ways to encourage consumers to get the real deal.

This is where counterfeiting, in a way, isn’t a bad thing. People need to think of creative ways to get around it but it also keeps people spending money!

Overall, this was a stronger episode than the last. It’s just not quite as strong as the first episode. However, I did find the next two episodes extremely fascinating and those reviews are coming up in the next couple of days.

Next. This Giant Beast That Is the Global Economy. dark

What did you think of This Giant Beast That Is the Global Economy Episode 5? Which has been your favorite episode up to this point? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

This Giant Beast That Is the Global Economy is available on Amazon Prime Video.