Jack Ryan and Amazon under fire for transphobic slur

Credit: Jack Ryan - Prime Video -- Acquired via EPK.TV
Credit: Jack Ryan - Prime Video -- Acquired via EPK.TV

While there are many positive reviews about Amazon’s Jack Ryan, the show and production company have come under fire from the LGBTQ community for the use of a transphobic slur.

For the most part, the reaction to Amazon’s Jack Ryan has been positive. However, there is one element in Episode 3 that just can’t be overlooked. It’s the use of the transphobic slur in the middle of growing violence against the trans community.

The LGBTQ community was quick to call out the show and Amazon for the use of the line “Did you accidentally pick up another tranny on Fremont Street?” What could be seen as banter between two colleagues, the use of the word “tranny” isn’t acceptable. It completely alienates part of the audience watching the series and makes others uncomfortable.

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It’s not even like the term was used to bring about awareness against transphobia and the growing issue against the trans community. This was just a simple joke between colleagues, so it’s not surprising that people are calling Jack Ryan and Amazon out for it.

The use of the slur was especially prolific considering two trans women were murdered within the last 24 hours. While the show couldn’t have done anything about the timing, the use of the slur could have been avoided completely.

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Viewers took to Twitter to share their complaints. One asked how Amazon could think it was a “fine idea,” while another asked Amazon what the company has against trans people. Others have stopped watching it since the third episode, disappointed that the slur was used.

There were already calls to stop the “dehumanizing language” against the trans community after the deaths of two trans women last week. The complaints against Jack Ryan show that production companies and writers still aren’t listening.

Jack Ryan is now on Amazon Prime Video to stream in full.