5 canceled TV shows in May Amazon should definitely save

THE GIFTED -- Cr: Annette Brown/FOX -- Acquired via FOX Flash
THE GIFTED -- Cr: Annette Brown/FOX -- Acquired via FOX Flash
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SPLITTING UP TOGETHER — ABC/Mitch Haaseth — Acquired via Disney ABC Press
SPLITTING UP TOGETHER — ABC/Mitch Haaseth — Acquired via Disney ABC Press

Many TV shows were canceled in May. There are some that Amazon should definitely look at saving.

May sweeps has officially been and gone for another year. It’s a depressing time of year when many of our favorite TV shows are canceled. In 2018, we saw the likes of Netflix, Amazon, and even NBC step in to save some of our favorites. This year, nobody has stepped in but Amazon definitely should.

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While some of the canceled TV shows in May 2019 were expected due to the live ratings, it didn’t mean we were happy about them. And some of them did take us by surprise. Just today there was hope that we’d get a second season of Whiskey Cavalier but that was dashed at the last minute.

Fair warning, I’ve not included Whiskey Cavalier on this list. I included it previously on a list of shows Netflix should save and I don’t want to double up here (so you won’t see Star and three other shows either that you may want to see saved). However, that’s the only reason I’m not including them here.

Also, not all of these shows are strictly from the May sweeps, Upfronts weekend. I’m including some from earlier in May and in April because they’d be perfect on Amazon Prime Video.

There are just so many shows that there’s plenty for Amazon and Netflix to gain between them. This is about what would work on Amazon Prime Video and here are the five canceled TV shows in May that I think Amazon Prime should definitely save.