The Grand Tour gets two-day back-to-back special this week

The Grand Tour -- Image by Amazon Studios -- Acquired via EPK.TV
The Grand Tour -- Image by Amazon Studios -- Acquired via EPK.TV

The Grand Tour is usually released weekly, but there’s a special offering this week. You’ll get two episodes over the course of two days.

If you love The Grand Tour, you’ll likely wish that all the episodes were available in one go like most other Prime Originals. Who doesn’t want to binge-watch, right? Well, your wish is sort of granted this week.

You’ll get two episodes over the course of two days this week. The Grand Tour Season 3, Episodes 2 and 3 are a two-part Colombian special and Amazon doesn’t want to make you wait a week for the second part. So, you’ll get Episode 2 on Friday and then Episode 3 on Saturday.

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Considering the episodes are released at midnight GMT, you may even get them Thursday and Friday night. I know the Season 3 premiere was available on Thursday night on the east coast.

The Colombia Special sees Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May drive across the country. If you watched Top Gear with them, you’ll know these types of specials well. They run into all sorts of problems and deal with the various elements thrown their way.

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They do the journey in cars of their choices, seeing which is the best for a particular need of driving. Clarkson does it all in a Jeep Wrangler, Hammond in a Chevrolet Silverado, and May in a Fiat Panda 4×4. Which car turns out to be the best?

One of the aims for the special was to head to the country and be the first TV program not to use the world cocaine while there. Will the trio be able to manage that? Yes, we know Colombia has a lot more to offer, but this is Clarkson, Hammond, and May!

Are you excited to see the two-parter over two days? What do you hope to see on The Grand Tour Season 3 this weekend? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

The Grand Tour Season 3, Episodes 2 and 3 are available on Jan. 25 and 26 on Amazon Prime Video.