The Boys Season 4 finale hints a Supernatural vet will return

The Boys Season 4 has come to an end, and it left us with some major cliffhangers for various characters. It looks like we'll see the return on one particular Supernatural vet.
The Boys Season 3 -- Courtesy of Prime Video
The Boys Season 3 -- Courtesy of Prime Video

As usual, the end of a season of The Boys brings us a cliffhanger with a lot of questions. Now taking complete control over Vought and, really, the world, Homelander has found out where Soldier Boy was placed on ice. It looks like Jensen Ackles is coming back for the fifth and final season of the series.

The finale ended with Sister Sage confidently walking into the Vought Tower with news that the plan worked. It didn’t seem like it at first, but Neuman’s death brought Singer’s arrest, and that means a new president is going to be sworn in. This president is more than happy to be a puppet for Homelander, so now Homelander has control.

There is one Supe who could take down Homelander at this point. That Supe has been on ice since the end of The Boys Season 3. Soldier Boy could bring an end to the tyranny of Homelander and other Supes. Or Soldier Boy could make matters worse.

Jensen Ackles looks to return to The Boys

It would make sense for Soldier Boy to come back into the story for the final season. He is a fatal weapon against Supes, but not in the way the virus is. He simply takes away superpowers and makes Supes human again. This is a great way to deal with most situations as it allows for the playing field to be levelled.

However, Homelander will know that Soldier Boy wanted Homelander dead. Soldier Boy found out that Homelander was his son, but he wasn’t the son he could be proud of. There’s a chance that Homelander will want to just know where Soldier Boy is. This at least allows him to know that Soldier Boy isn’t a threat.

However, we can’t see Soldier Boy never coming back with that The Boys Season 4 ending. Butcher is sure to find out where Soldier Boy is as well, and that opens the door for another Butcher-Soldier Boy team up. That is if Soldier Boy can forgive Butcher for deciding to team up with Homelander to stop Soldier Boy and protect Ryan.