The Boys Season 4 finale ending explained: What happened after the election?

Robert Singer officially became the President-Elect in The Boys Season 4 finale. Did the plan to assassinate him happen? Has Homelander been stopped?
Singer Neuman
Singer Neuman

The focus of all of The Boys Season 4 has been on the presidential election. Singer and Neuman looked to bring an anti-Supe party into the world, but there was one major secret. Neuman is a Supe and is working with Homelander.

Caution: This post contains major spoilers for The Boys Season 4 finale.

Singer didn’t want to keep working with Neuman, but he had no choice. That was despite all of them knowing that Neuman and Homelander were working together. They knew there was a plan to assassinate Singer, and that almost came to pass.

However, before it could happen, Homelander outed Neuman as a Supe. Plans had to be pushed up, and the CIA got Singer into an underground bunker. The problem was that it was with the shapeshifter who was dressed up as Annie. As Hughie and MM realize that Annie isn’t Annie, the plan to take Singer down started.

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All of this took place after Shifter Annie proposed to Hughie. He quickly proposed back, revealing the ring that he had bought. This was something he’d been thinking of for a while. Only, it wasn’t the real Annie.

The real Annie was stuck in a basement. As Shifter Annie told Real Annie all about the engagement, Real Annie decided enough was enough. She had to get herself out of this basement. And so she did, just in time to get to Singer and the gang to take down Shifter Annie and kill her.

There was a moment between Annie and Hughie as she was angry that he didn’t realize Shifter Annie wasn’t her. Hughie pointed out that he did notice things. Getting hot in the locked room was the point where he fully realized the truth. By the end, Annie is willing to give him another chance, accepting that Shifter Annie did a good impression by having Annie’s memories as well.

Butcher and Grace try to get Ryan to help

Meanwhile, Butcher seems to be in a hospital. Ryan, who got a present from Butcher that is a photo of Butcher, Becca, and Terror, decided to go and see him. Grace is also there, and Grace and Butcher make it clear that Homelander is dangerous and they need to get Ryan to safety.

However, Ryan starts to notice things. One thing he realizes is that the walls are six-inches thick. This is a prison cell for Ryan, and Grace eventually confirms it. Grace wants to lock Ryan up until he’s willing to kill Homelander. She wants to do exactly what Vought did to Homelander, and he refuses.

He ends up killing Grace and runs away. Butcher is left with one option. He needs to take down Homelander himself.

Neuman wants The Boys to protect her and her daughter

As Singer gets away to safety, Homelander makes a call to Neuman. Neuman wants out, but Homelander makes it clear that that isn’t an option. Neuman will become President, and she will become his puppet. If she doesn’t, he will take Zoe and send her pieces back.

That isn’t what Neuman wants. She turns to the only person she can think of: Hughie. She asks him for help so that she and Zoe can disappear.

At first, The Boys don’t really want to help. However, they all realize that forgiveness is the best thing. That doesn’t mean they have to trust her, though. Frenchie has managed to create the virus from the bit of Kimiko’s leg that was chopped off after Samir injected her with it. They will use that if Neuman betrays them.

Neuman doesn’t have a chance to prove she’s on The Boys’ side in this. Butcher walks in, now with full control over the abilities that he has within him. We find out what happened to Ezekiel a few episodes ago. Butcher has the ability to shoot tentacles out of his chest. They grab Neuman and literally rip her in half. Butcher then takes the gun with the virus and leaves.

The Seven take out all those who know about them in The Boys Season 4

While all that is going on, Homelander gives The Deep, Black Noir, and Firecracker—who isn’t looking so hot after taking the drugs to create breastmilk—a list of names. They are names of everyone who works for Vought in the Tower, and the task is to kill them all.

The Deep points out that Ashley’s name isn’t on the list. Shouldn’t it be at the top? Ashley is listening in to all of this, and quickly runs to Homelander’s room and grabs a bottle of V. She injects herself, and suddenly collapses and loses all her hair in the transformation. We’ll need to wait for The Boys Season 5 to see what she turns into.

The Boys head out on the run in the closing minutes. After all, Sister Sage turns back up at Vought Tower. Everything that Homelander wanted has happened, but not in the way he intended it. Sage could always see how a plan was going to fail, and she made sure that didn’t happen. Neuman’s death makes the headlines, and Singer is arrested after there’s a leak of him sharing that he wants Neuman dead. A new president is called in, and that president is more than happy to be a puppet.

With that, multiple Supes from Gen V and the past show up. A SWAT-like team come in to take Frenchie, MM, and Hughie. Kimiko is held back, but Annie manages to get away. We’re left wondering if there is any hope as we head into the final season of The Boys.