Ranking the seasons of The Boys so far

There have been four seasons of The Boys so far, with a fifth and final season confirmed. Here's our ranking of the four seasons so far.
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There are some great moments throughout The Boys. All season combine together to tell a story, and you can’t watch one season without the rest. That doesn’t mean they are all made to the same standard. Well, they’re supposed to be, but there is always one season that becomes a favorite.

Currently, there are only four seasons to rank. Once the fifth and final season arrives, which is expected in 2026, we’ll be sure to add it in. For now, this is our ultimate ranking of the four seasons of The Boys.

The Boys Season 4

The most recent season has been the most disappointing so far. That’s not to say it’s terrible, but there just felt to be too much going on at the same time. We had a lot of subplots running, and some of them didn’t get enough attention. It doesn’t help that there’s such a long break between seasons that it can be difficult to remember some individual storylines.

Frenchie’s storylines was the most disappointing. He completely shut everyone out. Everyone had done something bad throughout the course of their lives, so Frenchie should have had someone to talk to. He just chose not to and confuse everyone else.

The cracks in Homelander started to show. However, he still has enough people who believe him to be the greatest Supe ever to help him get what he wants. My favorite part was A-Train’s redemption arc, but even that seemed too little too late.

The Boys Season 2

The second season suffered a bit of a slump off the back of a great first season. It took a while to get things going again, but once it did, it was great.

Having Stormfront turn out to be a Nazi and a Supe from the past made a lot of sense. There are constant questions about the aging of Supes. Now we get to see that they don’t age at the same rate. She isn’t the only one of the past who still looks young. What does this mean for Starlight, Queen Maeve, and others?

The show isn’t afraid to make fun of itself and of the world around us. The push of the Girls Get It Done narrative was a lot of fun to watch. While there is a need for equity in movies and TV, there are some agendas pushed too much to make it unrealistic. Push something too much and everyone starts to turn against it,

The Boys Season 3

Bringing in Soldier Boy was a great twist. Those expecting something like the Soldier Boy from the graphic novels will have been disappointed, but for the Season 3 storyline, he worked well. It was clear from the finale that things weren’t over with him, and we will see him back in The Boys Season 5.

There was a lot going on, though. It can be hard to remember some of the storylines, such as Stormfront killing herself. I think that’s just a problem with streaming shows taking so long as a whole, though.

The idea of being able to wipe out a Supe’s abilities with Soldier Boy opens up a world of potential for the ending of the series. Now if only Soldier Boy could have been better used throughout the season rather than only going on his revenge mission.

The Boys Season 1

The first season is, by far, the best. This is the season that started it all. It gave us a look at what Supes would really be like. This also brings the vigilantes back together, while proving to them that not all those with abilities are the enemy. Kimiko is quickly brought into the fold when she’s discovered.

This first season offers a turning point for Hughie. He is against killing people, although he wants some sort of revenge. That is until Translucent becomes a major threat and issue. Hughie makes that choice, setting the trajectory for his character.

I guess this season is so good because you’re going into it at first not really knowing what to expect. You don’t know how far the show is willing to go. Since then, maybe it’s dropped in ranking for some, but it sets the tone for so many characters and the series as a whole, so it sits at No. 1 for me.