What happened to Stormfront in The Boys? (Is Stormfront still alive?)

Stormfront will be a part of The Boys prequel series. What happened to Aya Cash's character in the main series? Is Stormfront still alive?
The Boys Season 2 - Courtesy of Amazon Studios
The Boys Season 2 - Courtesy of Amazon Studios

The Boys Season 2 introduced us to a new Supe. Stormfront joined The Seven, and it was clear early on that she had a dark secret.

Aya Cash’s Supe turned out to be far older than she looked. She also had a much closer tie to Vought than any other Supe we’d met before. She was married to Frederick Vought before she was a Supe, and she became the first to received Compound-V.

It was clear that she was somewhat invincible. Every Supe has some sort of weakness, though, and we got to see that at the end of the second season.

Stormfront was severely injured in The Boys Season 2

The end of The Boys Season 2 saw Queen Meave, Starlight, and Kimiko go up against Stormfront. They were able to put up a great fight against her, but it took an explosion to finally take her down.

Was this for good? Not a chance! Look at how long she’d lived up to this point. She could regenerate, which meant that while she was severely injured, she would recover.

In the third season, we learned that she was still alive and in a hospital bed somewhere in, presumably, the Vought Tower. That offered a hint that she could return to The Seven.

Homelander lets Stormfront down in The Boys

Of course, Stormfront was a Supe to hate. She was a Nazi. Literally. She was around in the 1930s and was part of the rise of the Nazi Party. She changed her name as she and her husband moved to the United States and Vought began. While she had to hide her racism at times, that racism didn’t disappear.

In The Boys Season 3, Stormfront wanted Homelander to continue their racist ways. He couldn’t do that anymore, especially not with Starlight as a co-leader with him. It meant he let her down in a way that broke her.

Stormfront decided to take her own life. That broke Homelander at the time, and it marked the end of Stormfront. While he didn’t quite see the death happen, we can believe that there is no way for Aya Cash to return in The Boys. Instead, she’ll be back in the prequel series.