Alex Rider series finale explained: What happened to Alex Rider?

Alex Rider had a choice to make in the final season. What did he decide to do, and what happened to him in the end?
Alex Rider - Season 1 - Episode 102. Image courtesy Des Willie/Sony Pictures Television. © 2019 Sony Pictures Television
Alex Rider - Season 1 - Episode 102. Image courtesy Des Willie/Sony Pictures Television. © 2019 Sony Pictures Television

Another season of Alex Rider has come to an end, and this one was the last. We saw Alex go up against The Department and Scorpia, trying to figure out who was telling the truth and how to protect the people of the world.

For a while, we’d started to wonder if Alex’s dad, John, was actually a benefit of Scorpia. Answers came in the third season that were a little expected, even for those who hadn’t read the Anthony Horowitz books.

John was loyal to The Department. He’d joined Scorpia undercover. When Julia, the head of Scorpia, found out, she was livid and chose to take out John. Now Alex is doing the same as his father.

The Department put their jobs on the line in Alex Rider

Julia shared that Scorpia would kill thousands of people by releasing the Invisible Sword in a UK city. She didn’t share which one, meaning The Department kept running into problems finding it. Of course, the Home Minister wasn’t happy with the time it was taking to find the Invisible Sword. Rather than admit that it was probably a difficult task, The Department was shut down.

Things got worse when the Home Minister learned that Alex had previously worked for Scorpia and was now helping the Department. Also, he’s underage, which is a concern.

Mrs. Jones risked everything by holding the Home Minister at gunpoint. The Department put their jobs and freedoms on the line to allow Alex to go through with his plan.

Did Alex Rider die in the series finale?

As Alex learned how the Invisible Sword was put together, he realized that he may have been infected with the cyanide poison. He’d inhaled that gas that was a pain reliever. Was it possible that Julia had infected him earlier on?

Alex decided to share with his friends that he loved them and were grateful for them. However, he went out on the mission to save the world. If he was going to die, he was going to die saving people.

Fortunately, Alex did make it to the end. He wasn’t infected, and when Nile went to kill Alex, Yassen killed Nile.

Was Yassen friend or foe?

The one thing for three seasons that we couldn’t figure out was whether we could trust Yassen. He would kill people, but at the same time, he would take steps to protect Alex. In the series finale, we learned that Yassen and John Rider were friends. While Yassen had a job to do, he also wanted to make sure his friend’s son was safe.

So, in the end, Yassen decided not to allow Nile to kill Alex.

Julia’s vendetta came out in the Alex Rider series finale

It also turned out that Julia’s plan was personal, and that was something Yassen hadn’t signed up for. Julia loved John. Not only did she feel betrayed when she learned he was a double agent, but she felt personally betrayed when he didn’t return her feelings for him. John went on to marry Alex’s mom and have Alex, which led to Julia’s hatred for Alex.

She opted to destroy a city just for her own personal vendetta so that she could kill Alex. Fortunately, she was taken down and the city was saved.

To end it all, Alex is going to get to be a kid. Sure, he’s an incredible agent, but he gets to be a boy right now. Maybe he’ll work for The Department in the future. Or maybe, just maybe, he’ll live a normal life.

Alex Rider is available to stream on Freevee.