Alex Rider books in order: How many books by Anthony Horowitz are there?

As we get ready for the final season of Alex Rider, it's time to turn to the books. There are 14 main books in the series, but many more short stories and bonus chapters. Here's the order to read them in.
Alex Rider - Season 1 - Episode 102. Image courtesy Des Willie/Sony Pictures Television. © 2019 Sony Pictures Television
Alex Rider - Season 1 - Episode 102. Image courtesy Des Willie/Sony Pictures Television. © 2019 Sony Pictures Television

Alex Rider is coming to an end after three seasons. The third season will follow the fifth book, but there are a total of 14 main books in the Alex Rider book series. We’re taking a look at the order to read them in.

Anthony Horowitz has not disappointed YA readers with his development of the teenage spy, Alex Rider. He has developed a full world of intrigue and conspiracy, starting with the introduction of the teenage spy to him growing up and learning more about the world.

It’s not just about the main books, either. Horowitz brought fans bonus chapters and short stories to fill in gaps and to add more to character development.

Alex Rider TV show books in order

If you want to stick to the books that the show has developed, you’ll only need to worry about three of them. Skip over the first of Horowitz’s books and dive straight into Point Blank/Point Blanc (depending on the book cover).

The second season is based on Eagle Strike. This is the fourth book in the series.

The third season is going to be based on Scorpia, which is the fifth book in the series.

All the Alex Rider books in order

Now for all the main books, short stories, and bonus chapters. Here is the complete order when you include every little aspect of the world that has been created.

*A quick note about Secret Weapon. The original version was in between Skeleton Key and Eagle Strike, but the update version takes place after Eagle Strike.

The White Carnation (short story about Yassen Gregorovich)
Christmas at Gunpoint (short story before Stormbreaker)
Stormbreaker (1st main book)
Resistance to Interrogation (bonus chapter for Stormbreaker)
A Taste of Death (a short story about Alex on his way to the dentist)
Point Blanc (2nd main book)
Tea with Smithers (short story)
Alex in Afghanistan (short story)
Quite a Ride (also known as Incident in Nice, short story)
Skeleton Key (3rd main book)
Spy Trap (short story)
Eagle Strike (4th main book)
Secret Weapon (Skoda from Point Blanc returns for revenge)
Scorpia (5th main book)
Ark Angel (6th main book)
Alex Underground (short story)
Snakehead (7th main book)
Coda (bonus chapter for Snakehead)
Crocodile Tears (8th main book)
Scorpia Rising (9th main book)
Russian Roulette (10th main book)
Never Say Die (11th main book)
Secret Weapon (12th main book)
Nightshade (13th main book)
Nightshade Revenge (14th main book)

There are some bonus books that go into some of the behind the scene moments and mission guides if you want to understand more about the world of Alex Rider.

Alex Rider is available to stream on Freevee.