Enola Holmes and the Mark of the Mongoose by Nancy Springer review

Enola Holmes. Image Courtesy Netflix, Legendary
Enola Holmes. Image Courtesy Netflix, Legendary /

Enola Holmes is back with her ninth mystery to solve. Is Enola Holmes and the Mark of the Mongoose by Nancy Springer worth a read?

Disclaimer: I got a free advanced copy of this book from NetGalley in return for an honest review.

If you haven’t checked out the world of Enola Holmes yet, you need to. And you can start with the ninth book in the series. I say that as someone who read the first two books and then skipped to the ninth when I got the opportunity to read and review this book. While there are a few elements from previous books mentioned, not knowing all the details doesn’t spoil too much.

The books are very much a case of the mystery of the book. Enola is laser-focused on getting to the bottom of it, in a similar way to all the stories of her brother Sherlock. At the same time, we get to learn more about who she is as a young woman and what she wants to gain in life.

What is Enola Holmes and the Mark of the Mongoose by Nancy Springer about?

The ninth book is set in May 1890. Enola is now on her own, and she no longer needs to hide from her older brothers. She can pursue her chosen career of being a scientific perditorian—in other words, she finds lost things and people.

Well, enter Wolcott Balestier, an American who has come to represent his book publisher. He wants to connect with English authors for their latest works, but he goes missing on the streets of London. Rudyard Kipling, of all people, turns to Enola to help find the man. Well, actually, he turns to Sherlock. There is absolutely no way a woman can handle this job!

Enola sets out to prove the sexist Kipling wrong. You see, Kipling is convinced that rival American publishers have attacked Balestier. Enola decides to get to the truth behind it all, but is she willing to work with Sherlock on the matter?

Enola Holmes Book 9 review

I’ve always loved the writing of the Enola Holmes books. The story gets straight into the mystery, and we are immediately faced with Enola’s need to solve it all. As the story is told from her POV, we get to hear her thoughts and processes. While this is a problem with some books, it works for this one. After all, we need to see how Enola’s brilliant mind works.

There is no shortage of detail. Springer is able to write in a way that sets the full scene. You can see London come to life throughout her books, and The Mark of the Mongoose is no different. It’s very easy to like and support Enola.

This book also brought more of what she wants to gain from her life. We’ve seen her grow up throughout the books, and now is a chance to see her focused on her profession. Remember, it’s 1890 when women still weren’t allowed their own bank accounts or allowed to vote. Yet, Enola makes it work. And she isn’t going to let a man keep her down.

I couldn’t fault the writing or the storytelling. The mystery was a fun one to unravel, and the writing itself is always engaging. There wasn’t a slow point. In fact, I read this within two nights—and it took two nights only because I had to sleep and work.

My only request: can I have the 10th book now, please?

Stars: 5 out of 5.

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