Hunters Season 2 saw the hunt for Adolf Hitler. What happened in the Hunters series finale? Did the team capture and kill the Nazi leader?
At the end of Hunters Season 1, we found out that Adolf Hitler was still alive and living in Argentina. Jonah learned the truth at the very start of the second season. He and Millie gathered the team together to take down the leader of the Nazi regime. Would they bring him to justice in the end?
There were other players throughout the series to focus on. We found out that Joe had been brainwashed into following Hitler’s needs, and then we learned that Travis was out of prison and got back to Eva and Hitler. Then there was the problem of Eva still alive and looking to bring the Fourth Reich.
Throughout the second season, we also spent some time in 1975. We got to find out how Al Pacino’s The Wolf tricked everyone into believing that he was Meyer Offerman and while Ruth was a target at the very start of the series.
Did the hunters get justice in the Hunters series finale?
It wasn’t easy, but the team did end up getting to Hitler. After shooting Roxy, Joe started to realize that he was on the wrong side. We got flashes of the torture he’d received after being captured at the end of the first season. He was angry that nobody came to find him, but it turned out that Roxy had searched for him. After she was saved, Joe helped the hunters get into Hitler’s compound.
It was hard to trust him at first, but he proved himself back on the right side of the hunt. Sadly Chava had to sacrifice herself to make sure that Jonah got to Hitler before Hitler got inside his Argentinian bunker and killed himself. Jonah captured the man to make sure he was brought to justice.
In the Hunters series finale, we got to see him on trial. He ended up sealing his own fate. While initially he tried to share all the lies that were mentioned throughout the Holocaust, he ended up admitting that he orchestrated it all and he wanted the concentration camps to exterminate the Jews and others he viewed as undesirable. The judges (one of whom I really thought was going to turn out to be a Nazi) had no choice but to convict him of all his crimes.
At the very end, we saw Hitler in a jail cell called by a number and not his name. Oh the poetic justice.
What happened to Trevor and Eva in Hunters Season 2?
Of course, Travis and Eva were still problems. Eva wanted to rule the Fourth Reich, although Hitler didn’t think a woman was any good in that position. After all, Eva had failed while in New York.
When Hitler was convicted, he took what looked to be a cyanide pill. He was rushed to hospital, but ended up with a Nazi in the driver’s seat. The Nazi killed others and got Hitler to Travis and Eva. The idea was to make sure he was a free man.
However, Eva thought she now had the upperhand. She did until Travis turned on her, also believing that women can’t rule. Travis chose Hitler, although wanted to be the heir to the Nazi regime. Eva was killed by Travis.
This didn’t all go to plan. Hitler was recaptured and Travis was involved in a shootout on the rooftops of Europe. Travis did manage to shoot Jonah, but Joe was there to make sure Jonah didn’t die. The German police turned up to arrest Travis and take down the other Nazis in the area.
We got to end with Jonah and Clara getting married and everyone seemingly getting to go on to enjoy a good life. Jonah got out, but Sister Harriet turned up with phone records to show that Meyer Offerman was the one to turn Ruth over to the Nazis when she figured out Meyer was actually The Wolf.
Sister Harriet made it clear that the work is never done. There are other Nazis out there, and we can believe that Jonah would get himself back into the fight. Would Clara join him this time?
What did you think of the Hunters series finale? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Hunters is available to stream on Prime Video.