Three Pines age rating: Is the series suitable for kids?

Three Pines -- Courtesy of Amazon
Three Pines -- Courtesy of Amazon

If you’re in the mood for a murder mystery, Three Pines is the series for you. Is this something to watch after the kids have gone to bed?

Three Pines is now available to stream on Prime Video. You can watch all episodes of the new murder mystery, which is based on Still Life by Louise Penny. It’s the first of the Inspector Gamache book series.

Of course, you want to watch the series right away. Now you need to know if it’s going to be something to watch with the kids around. Do you need to wait for them to go to bed? We can look at the official Three Pines age rating to get an idea.

Three Pine age rating

The new series is officially a TV-MA. However, in Canada, it is a 16+. It could be suitable for older teenagers.

The series itself does have a little bit of bad language, but it’s nothing like Irreverent or The Calling on Peacock. This isn’t a gritty crime drama and is more on the level of Agatha Christie adaptations. You’ll want to watch the first episode yourself, and then you’ll be able to make a judgment for your own children.

There aren’t too many frightening scenes throughout the series. A lot of the gruesomeness of the topic is left to the imagination, and sometimes, that’s the best way to do it, right? We don’t always need to see the violence on screen. The world has enough of it already.

The trailer for the series will also give you an idea of what to expect from this series. Take your time to make your own judgment to see if it’s right for your children. You know more of what they can handle and what you’re willing to expose them to.

Three Pines is now streaming on Prime Video.