How many episodes are in Outer Range Season 1?

Outer Range, Royal Abbott (played by Josh Brolin)
Outer Range, Royal Abbott (played by Josh Brolin)

Outer Range Season 1 is currently streaming on Prime Video. There are still a few more episodes to go. How many episodes will be in the first season?

Josh Brolin stars in Outer Range as Royal Abbott, a man who has found a mysterious void in the western part of his land. He wants to get to the bottom of this void, just like the rest of us.

This supernatural Western certainly has us intrigued. It offers some excellent storytelling, bringing us mystery and questions every step of the way.

The downside is that we didn’t get a full binge-watch. Prime Video opted to release this in a hybrid fashion like so many other shows recently. That means we need to know how many episodes there are so we know how many more weeks we have until we get the answers to our questions.

Outer Range Season 1 episode count

The Prime Video series is currently at the halfway point as of Friday, April 22. Episodes 3 and 4 dropped today, and that tells us exactly how many episodes there will be.

We’ll get eight episodes to the first season. The episodes are coming out two every week, so we have two more weeks until we get the answers to our questions. The final two episodes will air on Friday, May 6.

Of course, there’s no guarantee that we’ll get all the answers to the questions we have. The series hasn’t been billed as a limited series. The Amazon press site makes it clear that “the first season of Outer Range will consist of eight episodes.” The series will want to leave us with some mysteries when it comes to a potential second season.

Outer Range airs Fridays on Prime Video.