Is Turning Red coming to DVD and Blu-ray?

Turning Red. Image courtesy Disney/Pixar. © 2020 Disney/Pixar. All Rights Reserved.
Turning Red. Image courtesy Disney/Pixar. © 2020 Disney/Pixar. All Rights Reserved.

Turning Red is the latest movie to head to Disney+, the latest Disney Pixar animated movie. When will it arrive on DVD and Blu-ray?

There are some great movies on Disney+. Turning Red is the latest release, heading straight to Disney+ instead of going to theaters. Does that mean it won’t get a DVD release date?

The movie follows Mei Lee, a 13-year-old girl who is torn. Should she be the obedient daughter her mother expects her to be, or can she follow the chaos of youth? If only that was the only problem for Mei.

Mei turns into a big red panda whenever she gets too excited. What could that mean for Mei? Can she learn how to control her excitement?

Will Turning Red come to DVD and Blu-ray?

When movies head straight to streaming platforms, we don’t usually see them arrive on DVD and Blu-ray. It doesn’t make sense for the streaming platforms to make movies and shows available to purchase. However, this is a Disney Pixar movie.

It’s not the first time we’ve seen a Disney Pixar movie skip the theaters. We’ve seen Soul and Luca both head to Disney+ and then get a DVD release date. We’re certainly expecting the same for Turning Red.

Turning Red DVD release date predictions

Now we just need to look at when the movie will head to DVD and Blu-ray. We can use Soul and Luca as an idea.

Soul took about three months to head from Disney+ to DVD. Luca only took a month and a half. It’s hard to say which way the latest movie will head to DVD and Blu-ray. We could be looking as early as April 26, but we could also need to wait until around June 7.

We’ll keep an eye on the plans for the release date.

Watch Turning Red on Disney+.