What time is Hanna Season 3 on Amazon?

Hanna Season 3 -- Courtesy of Christopher Raphael/ Amazon Prime Video
Hanna Season 3 -- Courtesy of Christopher Raphael/ Amazon Prime Video

It’s almost time for the final season of Hanna on Amazon Prime Video. What time can you stream all six episodes of Hanna Season 3?

There is some bad news that comes with the newest season of Hanna. It is going to be the final season—ending, not canceled—and it is only going to have six episodes.

The synopsis for the season did suggest that it would be the last, though. Marissa and Hanna are focused on taking down Utrax, but they’re going to be surprised by who is behind the entire operation. We get to see it all play out over the course of the six episodes to see the series end in the way the creators intended.

Hanna Season 3 release time

Of course, it brings us to the question of when we can start streaming. The official date of release is Wednesday, Nov. 24. However, something we need to point out is that this is a global original.

Global originals are dropped at midnight GMT on the official date. This often means an earlier drop for those of us in North America. There’s a good chance that we’ll get the episodes at 7 p.m. ET on Tuesday, Nov. 23.

This release time isn’t guaranteed, but it happens more often than it doesn’t. We’ve just seen it happen with The Wheel of Time. If the episodes aren’t available early, they will be there by midnight local.

An earlier release will certainly be appreciated by those who are traveling to see family this Thanksgiving. You don’t have to binge-watch it all in one day before you leave or have to wait until the weekend. You can watch some of it on Tuesday night instead.

Hanna Season 3 is coming to Amazon Prime Video officially at midnight GMT on Wednesday, Nov. 24.