Doctor Who Season 13 DVD release date set for February 2022

The Doctor (JODIE WHITTAKER), Yasmin Khan (MANDIP GILL), Dan (John Bishop) - Doctor Who _ Season 13 - Photo Credit: James Pardon/BBC Studios/BBC America
The Doctor (JODIE WHITTAKER), Yasmin Khan (MANDIP GILL), Dan (John Bishop) - Doctor Who _ Season 13 - Photo Credit: James Pardon/BBC Studios/BBC America

Doctor Who Season 13 has only just started on BBC America, but we already have a DVD release date. You can own it in February 2022.

Doctor Who Season 13 is also known as Doctor Who: Flux. The six-episode season is going to bring us one big story told over the course of each episode. Think of it like a six-hour movie instead of your standard alien/creature of the week that the series usually opts for.

There are going to be three specials that air in 2022. We don’t know when exactly any of them will be air, but we’re hoping for one of them to air on either Christmas Day or New Year’s Day, which has become tradition for the series.

Whenever they air, there isn’t long to wait for the six episodes of Season 13 to reach DVD and Blu-ray. We already have a date.

Doctor Who Season 13 DVD release date

The official release date for Doctor Who Season 13 on DVD is Tuesday, Feb. 8, 2022. This is relatively early since the six-episode season is only going to wrap up in December.

One thing it does suggest is that the specials won’t be on the DVD boxset. This is going to be disappointing, especially if the specials are linked to the six-episode story. We don’t quite know what to expect with the specials except that the last of the three is going to be one that says goodbye to Jodie Whittaker’s version of The Doctor.

The boxset is available on both DVD and Blu-ray. You can preorder both on Amazon right now. This is great if you want to set it and forget it, opting for the price guarantee at the same time. Only pay the lowest the boxset drops to up to the release date.

If you can’t wait that long, you can always watch Doctor Who Season 13 on Digital. The episodes are available to stream on AMC+, which is available via Amazon Channels. You can also buy the episodes on Digital via Amazon Video. Get the season pass and all the episodes will be added to your Amazon Library.

Doctor Who Season 13 is coming to DVD and Blu-ray on Tuesday, Feb. 8, 2022.