Is Panic Season 2 coming in 2021?

Panic Season 1 - Courtesy of Amazon Studios
Panic Season 1 - Courtesy of Amazon Studios

Amazon is pivoting into YA shows, and Panic was the first for 2021. Eyes are on Panic Season 2 and whether it’s coming to Amazon in 2021. There’s a lot of bad news.

The Wilds was the first YA series to head to Amazon, but that was in 2020. Panic was the first of 2021, bringing us Lauren Oliver’s story of the same name to life. There are more YA shows to come, but eyes are on the future of this particular show.

There is a lot of bad news about Panic Season 2. It is definitely not coming in 2021. In fact, it’s not coming at all.

Panic Season 2 is not coming to Amazon Prime Video

Amazon announced the disappointing news for fans of the series. Panic Season 2 is not happening. The show has been canceled after just one season.

While viewers quickly took to The Wilds, this series didn’t get the same attention. On top of that, the first season wrapped up the story, including the full game of Panic. We had said that it was hard to see where the story could go in the second season without it becoming some sort of anthology show.

The people at Amazon wanted to see more, but the costs for the new season couldn’t be justified. That’s especially the case when there were no major cliffhangers left. It was just like a limited series.

Could Panic be saved?

Is there a chance another network or streaming platform will save the show? This is highly unlikely. It’s rare that a streaming show is saved, and usually the streamers that save the canceled broadcast shows.

Netflix’s One Day at a Time did get saved by Pop TV, but it was canceled after one season. It’s unlikely a broadcast will take a chance on Panic when the show just didn’t quite hit with audiences in the first place.

Panic is available to stream on Amazon Prime Video.