Tales from the Loop Season 1 ended with a bittersweet, time-twisting moment. Each episode left us with questions. Here are the biggest for Season 2.
If there’s one thing we know, Tales from the Loop is not your average sci-fi series. While there were certainly many science fiction elements, it was just the thing to push our characters into some extremely grounded storylines.
Every episode left us with plenty of questions. While some of them were answered in later episodes, there were others that just left us with open endings.
Personally, I have a lot of hope that Tales from the Loop will be renewed for a second season. With that in mind, I have hope that some of the storylines can be revisited. There are certainly some that could come up again without disrupting much of the timeline (not that it would be hard to rejig that timeline!) or changing something that happened to someone else.
We don’t yet know if there will be a second season, though. For this post, I’m assuming there will be one. There definitely needs to be one.
Some character storylines brought bigger questions than others. Some families became a bigger focus than others. Here are my 10 big questions for Tales from the Loop Season 2.