Christmas Countdown Day #20: Hitman’s Run

PASADENA, CA - JULY 29: Actor Eric Roberts of the television show "Crash" speaks during the Starz Network segment of the Television Critics Association Press Tour at the Ritz Carlton Huntington Hotel on July 29, 2009 in Pasadena, California. (Photo by Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images)
PASADENA, CA - JULY 29: Actor Eric Roberts of the television show "Crash" speaks during the Starz Network segment of the Television Critics Association Press Tour at the Ritz Carlton Huntington Hotel on July 29, 2009 in Pasadena, California. (Photo by Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images)

If you’re looking for a cheesy action movie, the Christmas Countdown Day #20 is the right place for you. Hitman’s Run is the movie to watch tonight.

As part of the countdown to Christmas, the team at Amazon Adviser is bringing a Christmas Countdown. Every movie on the list is from Amazon Prime’s December releases and for Day #20, it’s all about Hitman’s Run.

I’m not going to lie and tell you this movie is amazing. Quite honestly, this is one of those movies that you put on while you do the wrapping (and anyone joining me to do that tonight once the kids are in bed?) or when you just want a movie that doesn’t make you think.

What is Hitman’s Run about?

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From 1999, the Eric Roberts-starring movie is about a former mob hitman. When he’s forced to come out of witness protection retirement after his family is threatened, he ends up on one of his most dangerous mission yet. Meanwhile, he learns some secrets about his dad, who had left his mother years ago and hadn’t been seen since.

Roberts plays lead hitman Tony Larzorka/John Dugan, while Esteban Powell is the skateboarding kid who helps him hack into the witness protection site. While it’s not the most compelling storyline in the world and is predictable in most places, it also doesn’t pretend to be and that’s part of the charm.

Financial and critical success

Hitman’s Run is most definitely not a success critically. There isn’t even a Tomatometer reading on Rotten Tomatoes and the Audience Score is 23%. Reviews make it clear that this isn’t a good movie and clearly had a low budget, but it’s good to see everything that you could do wrong in a movie!

Quite honestly, it’s on this list so you can get some present wrapping done while you’ve got something on in the background. We’re considerate of your need to put something on you don’t really need to watch!

What are you watching in the runup to Christmas? What’s your favorite release from Amazon in December? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Watch Hitman’s RunAmazon Prime Video on now.