28. Free Meek(2019)
1 Season
Starring Julian Blondell, Jay Z, Van Jones, Meek Mill, Chris Parker, Ron Parker, Paul Solotoff, and many more connected to Meek Mill’s case.
Free Meek is a one-season docuseries that’s focused on the life of Meek Mill. From start to the current day, it’s a look at the events that led to his initial arrest and everything that has happened since then. With his retrial looming, it’s a series to support why he should be freed after all these years.
The series offers a retelling of the story with Julian Blondell in the role of Meek Mill. However, the man himself is featured in the documentary at the same time to tell his side of the story. There are some high profile names throughout, especially when it comes to the music business.
This is a step forward for Amazon Prime Video. I don’t think there’s anything like this on Prime Video as an Amazon Original, although there is something similar with Lorena. This is a chance for Amazon to support causes and tell stories from another view point other than the version being told to and by the media for so long.
Unless something happens with the retrial, this will likely remain a mini docuseries. Hopefully, it only has to stay a miniseries because there are changes made.
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