Will Criminal Record come to DVD and Blu-ray?

Want to see Peter Capaldi and Cush Jumbo face off in a new series? Will Criminal Record be one to add to your DVD collection?
Criminal Record -- Courtesy of Apple TV+
Criminal Record -- Courtesy of Apple TV+

We are more than ready to see Peter Capaldi and Cush Jumbo facing off against each other in Criminal Record. The first two episodes are now available to stream, and the remaining episodes will come out Wednesdays over the course of the next few weeks.

This is an Apple Original Series. The bad news is that it means it won’t likely come to Digital. It doesn’t make sense for Apple and other streamers to release content on Digital. This makes it possible for people to pay once and watch a show over and over again. There’s no need to keep the subscription.

However, some streamers do release content on DVD and Blu-ray. What about Apple? Is it possible that we’ll get Criminal Record on DVD and Blu-ray?

Criminal Record could come out on DVD?

It’s hard to say, but there is a chance we’ll see the new series come to DVD and Blu-ray eventually. We’ve seen Defending Jacob and For All Mankind get DVD releases. While the former came out pretty quickly after the show aired on Apple TV+, it took a few years for Apple to bring For All Mankind Season 1 on DVD and we’re still waiting for other seasons.

Doesn’t this take people away from streamers, though? Well, not really. DVD and Blu-ray releases require a player for it, which means the collection isn’t likely taken on the move. Streaming platforms remain popular for this need, which means more and more shows are going to be released in this format.

This is something we’ll keep an eye on. The series is certainly worth your Apple TV+ subscription, but it would be great to watch it whenever we want without one.

Criminal Record airs on Wednesdays on Apple TV+.