Why was The Wilds canceled after that cliffhanger?

The Wilds was canceled after two well-written and powerful seasons. Why did Amazon choose to cancel it after such a major cliffhanger?
The Wilds. Pictured: Shannon Berry (Dot Campbell). Credit: Matt Klitscher/Amazon Studios
The Wilds. Pictured: Shannon Berry (Dot Campbell). Credit: Matt Klitscher/Amazon Studios

The Wilds began with some brilliant storytelling and an intriguing plot. However, Amazon canceled the show after two seasons, and we’re taking a look at why that was.

When it comes to shows about survival, The Wilds offered us a great look at what could be. We got a Lost meets Lord of the Flies style of story, with a group of teenage girls trapped on an island after a plane crash. Only, it turned out that this was more than just some freak accident.

There was a much bigger conspiracy going on. Some of them worked it out along the way. We went deeper down the rabbit hole in the second season as we found out that there was another experiment going on. What if a group of teen boys had the same experience?

The Wilds Season 2 struggled to find its audience

While the first season of the YA series was a hit, the second season struggled. There was a lot working against the second season, including Amazon’s lack of promotion. Honestly, the lack of promotion of great shows is a major reason they’re failing. There’s too long of a break, so a lot of people are forgetting about the shows and then shocked when they realize a new season is finally out.

Amazon likely viewed renewing the series as too much of a risk. With the sharp drop in interest with the second season, there would have been a bigger drop with the third season.

If any of the streamers want more shows to succeed, they need to change a few things in the way they create a promote a show.

This was a well-written show, especially when it came to all the female-focused storylines. It brought up some important social commentary, touching in Indigenous issues, the LGBTQ and religion, and teen infatuation and depression. We need more of this, and Amazon arguably failed the series with its problem in promoting it.

The Wilds is available to stream on Prime Video.