Speak No Evil will have a different ending to the original movie

If you're going into Speak No Evil expecting a carbon copy of the Danish version, you'll want to take a step back. The ending has changed.
Speak No Evil | Official Trailer 2
Speak No Evil | Official Trailer 2 | Universal Pictures

Speak No Evil is a remake of the Danish movie of the same name from 2022. However, it’s not a direct remake.

In 2022, Christian Tafdrup brought us a terrifying psychological thriller that followed a Danish family becoming instant friends with a Dutch family while on vacation in Toscana. Months later, the Danish couple heads out to the Dutch family’s place, but it turns out that this invitation isn’t the idyllic holiday that they expected.

There are certainly some unrealistic elements to the story. It also has a rather bleak ending, which is something that not everyone enjoys. However, those who did enjoy the original movie may be expected an American remake in this 2024 release. That’s not what we’re getting.

There isn’t the bleak ending in Speak No Evil starring James McAvoy

James Watkins explained to SFX Magazine that fans shouldn’t expect the same ending as the original movie. This is by design.

Watkins views the Danish movie as more of a satire of things that could go wrong. Watkins has made his more of a psychological thriller from start to finish, and he’s needed to honor the characters as they go through that. It meant not offering the exact same ending.

While Watkins didn’t say exactly which movie he has done with a bleak ending before, may guess that it is Eden Lake. He made it clear that he’s not against bleak endings, but sometimes they just don’t work for the characters in the story. The ending has to feel right for the trajectory of the movie, and the less bleak ending is right for him this time.

Of course, he hasn’t shared any spoilers. It doesn’t mean that everyone is going to make it out alive. It doesn’t mean that everyone will be able to get home and forget about the trauma they went through. This is still going to be a twisty thriller.

Speak No Evil is in theaters on Thursday, Sept. 12.