Does the dog die in Fallout on Prime Video?

Whenever there is a dog in a TV series or movie, our first question is whether that dog will die. What about in Fallout on Prime Video? Does the dog die?
Ella Purnell, Michael Emerson, Dale Dickey in Fallout. Credit: JoJo Whilden/Prime Video © 2024 Amazon Content Services LLC
Ella Purnell, Michael Emerson, Dale Dickey in Fallout. Credit: JoJo Whilden/Prime Video © 2024 Amazon Content Services LLC

If there is one thing we hate in TV shows and movies, it’s when dogs die. Fallout bringing in a dog immediately had us questioning its fate, especially if you know the games.

Caution: This post contains spoilers for Fallout Episode 2.

The second episode of Fallout tells us about Michael Emerson’s character, Siggi Wilzig. He is a scientist who is involved in the training of dogs. If dogs are under 10lbs, they have to be incinerated, and we do see that happen to one puppy.

Siggi’s pup is just under 10lbs. Instead of ordering her to be incinerated, he marks her weight as exactly 10lbs and then stamps her with the code CX404. She remains loyal to Siggi up to the point we see her face off against The Ghoul in Episode 2.

The Ghoul stabs CX404 in Fallout

As you would expect, it’s near impossible to take down a man who managed to survive the nuclear bombs. The Ghoul has been alive for more than 219 years, and he is heavily disfigured from whatever the radiation did to him. We knew as CX404 attacked that it wouldn’t end well for her.

The camera cuts off The Ghoul and the dog as he stabs her. We can hear dog cries at that point, but we don’t see exactly what happens. It looks like she’s killed.

You’d be forgiven for thinking that is the end of her. After all, dogs do die in the game. One of those is Dogmeat, who does die in the video games, but the show has always seemed to hint that CX404 might not face the same fate.

Does the Fallout dog die?

In some great news, CX404 doesn’t end up dying. The Ghoul comes across her whimpering after the fight in the town. He decides to take her in and heal her up, so she doesn’t die.

She ends up becoming a companion to The Ghoul. It may seem weird that she is loyal to the man who stabbed her, but she is loyal to the man who saved her. The Ghoul is one of the best characters in the series, and it’s great to see him have a canine companion. All survivors of apocalypses tend to end up heartbroken from loss, and it’s usually children or canines that end up bringing their humanity back. CX404 offers that opportunity for The Ghoul.

Fallout is available to stream on Prime Video.