Will Amazon save Quantum Leap (here's why it should)

Quantum Leap is one of the latest shows to end up canceled by NBC. Amazon needs to step in and save the series.
QUANTUM LEAP -- "This Took Too Long!" Episode 201 -- Pictured: (l-r) Raymond Lee as Dr. Ben Song, Melissa Roxburgh as Lt. Ellen Grier -- (Photo by:NBC)
QUANTUM LEAP -- "This Took Too Long!" Episode 201 -- Pictured: (l-r) Raymond Lee as Dr. Ben Song, Melissa Roxburgh as Lt. Ellen Grier -- (Photo by:NBC)

After two great seasons, we’re saying goodbye to Quantum Leap. Again. And once again, leapers are stuck in their leaps.

Quantum Leap fans faced this the first time. Sam Beckett was left stranded in his leaps, and nobody ever found out if he died or just got stuck in time. Even when the revival started, we learned that the show was in the same universe and the question of where Sam was never ended up being answered.

That looks to be the same for the revival. The second season ended with Addison sacrificing herself with a leap to switch places with Ben. However, they didn’t switch. Now they are both leaping through time, and they found each other in what looks to be wartime America.

Could Amazon step in to save Quantum Leap?

Out of all the shows canceled so far, this is one that suits Amazon’s other shows the most. There are a lot of sci-fi and fantasy shows already on the streamer, and they are among the most popular. Just look at the likes of The Boys and Upload. This would be the perfect home for Quantum Leap.

The question will be whether the series does well internationally. Amazon won’t just look at the U.S. ratings when it comes to saving a broadcast show. This needs to be something that performs well around the world as usually when a show is saved, it’s for a worldwide release. That’s a little harder to track since NBC doesn’t have an international streaming platform.

Why Amazon needs to save the Quantum Leap revival

This is one of those shows where fans need closure. We need to see what happens to Ben and Addison, and we need to see them get back to Magic and the team again. Fans can’t have another series where we don’t know if the leapers can ever get back.

We don’t even know if Magic and co. even know where Addison has leaped to, and we don’t know if they’ve made contact with Ben. They really could have another Sam Beckett situation.

On top of that, there was hope that the revival would bring closure to the Sam situation. It would be nice to finally get some details about where he went. Wouldn’t it have been great for Ben to have leaped to a time when Sam was or had just been? Maybe there was a fragment of Sam once being there or a clue that told everyone Sam had survived.

Plus, the revival made it clear that there were more leapers. We have Leaper X and we know at some point Ian leaps. We need to see how that plays out.