19. Get Duked (1968)
Directed and written by Ninian Doff
Starring Viraj Juneja, Lewis Gribben, Samuel Bottomley, Rian Gordon, Eddie Izzard, Georgie Glen, Kate Dickie, James Cosmo, Kevin Guthrie, Jonathan Aris
When you’re in need for a satirical comedy, Get Duked is the movie for you. Originally called Boyz in the Wood, the movie got a more fitting title. After all, the boys are not in any woods in the Scottish Highlands!
The movie follows a group of four teenage boys who are doing the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Three of them need to pass so they’re not expelled, while one of them is doing it because it looks good on his university applications. Little do they realize but they’re going to end up the prey for the “Duke of Edinburgh’s” games.
The four teenagers need to work together to save themselves from two upper class people attempting to “thin the herd.” Their claim is that the lower class are doing nothing for society.
The farmers may disagree, especially after they hear one of DJ Beatroot’s tracks. And yes, it’s Beat-Root, as in “root of the beat.”
The comedy is far-fetched, but it’s hilarious and just a good night of entertainment. Plus, it’s on 90 minutes long, which is short for a movie now.
Next: Cold War