What time is The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 5 on Prime Video?

Marvelous Mrs. Maisel season 5 premiers April 14, 2023 on Prime Video.
Marvelous Mrs. Maisel season 5 premiers April 14, 2023 on Prime Video.

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 5 premieres on Prime Video at the end of the week. Three episodes will drop at once, but what time can you watch them?

The time has come to see the beginning of the end. We’re ready to see how Midge’s journey to stardom finishes, whether it is with her name in lights or her remaining the MC at the club she’s currently at.

This is the final season. We’re not getting all episodes at once. Like the fourth season, the show is being released weekly, but it’s not in the same two-episodes-per-week format. Instead, we’re getting three episodes this week and then one episode per week until all nine episodes have aired.

Now you’ll want to know when you can watch the episodes. After all, you’ll want to tune in right away to see the beginning of the end.

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 5 premiere release time on Prime Video

New episodes arrive on Prime Video on Fridays. This is a global original, which means The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 5 premiere will be available at midnight UK time.

This is great news for those of us in North America. Time zones work in our favor, and there is a good chance that we’ll see the new episodes drop at around 7 p.m. ET/4 p.m. PT on Thursday, April 13. Then the episodes will air on Thursday nights moving forward.

It is worth noting that this isn’t guaranteed. The official release date isn’t until Friday. However, we see the early releases happening way more than they don’t, and they did happen with The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 4. We’re expecting the early releases this season. If they don’t happen, episodes will be available by midnight local to check out.

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 5 airs Fridays on Prime Video.