Upload Season 3 is not coming in November 2022

Upload season 1 - Courtesy of Amazon Studios
Upload season 1 - Courtesy of Amazon Studios

We would love to check in with the digital world for another season. That’s not happening just yet. When will Upload Season 3 come to Prime Video?

The wait for Upload Season 3 continues. At least we know it is definitely happening, but we just wish we knew when. All we know for now is that it is not coming in November.

To be honest, we’re not looking at it arriving at all in 2022. It’s going to be closer to the end of 2023 at the earliest based on how long a series like this takes in post-production. There’s a lot of work that goes into the graphics.

When will Upload Season 3 come to Prime Video?

Of course, Amazon hasn’t given us a date just yet. There’s no way Amazon will want to give a date to then have to move it. It’s something HBO has said it doesn’t want to do with House of the Dragon. It would just upset fans to push an already-confirmed date back. That doesn’t stop us from speculating.

It takes only around four or five months to film the series. If it has 10 episodes instead of seven, we’re looking at five months. After that is the lengthy post-production. Let’s say filming manages to wrap before the end of this year, we’re looking at 11 months of post-production based on Season 2, so it would be November 2023! See, it is a long wait.

The good news is there is some casting news. Roswell, New Mexico‘s Jeanine Mason is coming into the third season as Karina Silva, according to Variety. She will be a senior Horizen executive in charge of the cybersecurity and product development. Will she cause a problem with Nathan in Horizen as he has the ability to change some of the code and he has recently disappeared by being downloaded—although that’s probably not going to be for long and it looks like there’s a way to get him back into Horizen.

We could also see her cause a problem for Nora, who is working with the anti-tech group. This group has started working with her to find out what’s going on with the free digital worlds. Will they find a way to stop people from uploading themselves?

Upload is available to stream on Prime Video.