The time is almost here to own the final Jurassic World movie on DVD and Blu-ray. When is the Jurassic World Dominion DVD release date?
The time has come. The Jurassic World franchise has come to an end. The final movie arrived in theaters earlier this year. Now the time is here to get it on DVD and Blu-ray.
The release date is confirmed. On top of that, it’s possible to pre-order the release, so you don’t need to worry that much about remembering the date. There isn’t long to wait.
When is the Jurassic World Dominion DVD release date?
How long are we waiting for the release? There’s a short wait from the date of the announcement. The Jurassic World Dominion DVD release date is set for Tuesday, Aug. 16. Yes, that is next week!
You can currently pre-order the release on Amazon. This will guarantee you the lowest price up to the release date. It doesn’t matter what the price is at the time you pre-order. When you pre-order, you’ll also get the free shipping with Amazon Prime.
What about the Digital release? Usually, we see the Digital releases happen just ahead of the DVD release. This isn’t the case for this movie. We have to wait until the same date. You can pre-order via Amazon, but you won’t see it added to your Amazon Library until the day of the release. At least it will be there by midnight so you can watch it right away.
Right now, there isn’t any confirmation that we’ll see a complete boxset. That is likely eventually, though. After all, there are going to be plenty of people who haven’t got all Jurassic Park and Jurassic World movies on DVD. Why not offer everything as a complete boxset?
Jurassic World Dominion DVD release date is set for Tuesday, Aug. 16.