You’ll want to check out Anything’s Possible as soon as it drops on Prime Video at the end of the week. Is it something to watch with the kids around?
Billy Porter’s directorial debut should be on everyone’s list of movies to watch this weekend. Anything’s Possible brings us a beautiful Gen Z coming-of-age story. It’s all about love and heartbreak while navigating the drama of a queer relationship in high school.
Of course, before you put it on, you need to make sure it’s suitable for kids. Do you need to wait for them to go to bed before you watch it? Not everything with teenagers in it is made for that age bracket.
We’ll take a look at the official Anything’s Possible age rating and why that is. You can then make a decision for your own kids based on their ages and maturity levels. You know them best.
Anything’s Possible age rating
The official Anything’s Possible age rating is PG-13. Yes, this means that children from the age of 13 can watch this without parental supervision. It’s designed for them in mind, which is perfect considering the topic of the movie. It may be suitable for those under 13, but that’s up to you as a parent.
The age rating has been given for some brief nudity. It’s nothing graphic or over the top. There is some teenage drinking in the story. Really, it’s what a lot of 17- and 18-year-olds are going to get up to during their senior year of high school.
In the end, it’s going to be up to you as a parent. Take a look at the trailer, and if you’re not sure, you can always watch it first and then put it on for the kids the next time.
Anything’s Possible is coming to Prime Video on Friday, July 22.