When is Where the Crawdads Sing coming to DVD and Blu-ray?

Where the Crawdads Sing - Courtesy of Michele K. Short/Sony Pictures
Where the Crawdads Sing - Courtesy of Michele K. Short/Sony Pictures

Where the Crawdads Sing is finally out in theaters. Once you’ve seen it once, you’ll want to add it to your DVD and Blu-ray collection. When is Where the Crawdads Sing coming to DVD and Blu-ray?

It’s time to see Delia Owens’s novel Where the Crawdads Sing turned into a movie. It’s come to theaters this weekend, and there’s no doubt you’re flocking to it to watch it. Once you’ve seen it, you’ll definitely want to add it to your DVD and Blu-ray collection.

The movie follows Kya, who was abandoned as a young girl in the North Carolina marshlands. For years, Kya becomes the subject of rumors of a marsh girl haunting Barkley Cove. When she decides to make herself known due to two young men from town, she has to survive a whole new world.

Where the Crawdads Sing DVD release date prediction

When could we expect to see the movie come to DVD and Blu-ray? We don’t have a release date just yet, but we can look at other movies from the same production studio. Where the Crawdads Sing is a Sony Pictures production, so we’re looking at Morbius and Spider-Man: No Way Home to get an idea as to when this one is coming out.

It took four months for the Spider-Man release to get a DVD release date. Morbius only took two and a half months. We’re probably looking at something in between the two movies for Where the Crawdads Sing.

It is possible that it will come to DVD and Blu-ray as early as Tuesday, Sept. 27. We could also have to wait until around Tuesday, Oct. 18.

The Digital release is likely to be around a month before the DVD release. This could be as early as Tuesday, Aug. 30.

Where the Crawdads Sing is currently out in theaters.