Eight years in the making, The King’s Daughter is finally available to watch in theaters. When will it head to DVD and Blu-ray?
Pierce Brosnan stars as King Louis XIV. He’s determined to live forever, and that means turning to capture a mermaid in an attempt to steal her lifeforce. When his illegitimate daughter makes a discovery, the king’s plans are halted.
It’s been eight years since production ended on The King’s Daughter. It took that long to get it in theaters, and right at the time when some theaters are shut and we’re still facing a pandemic. Not everyone wants to head out to theaters, and those who are going out, are heading out for some of the bigger releases.
So, you want to wait until it’s out on DVD to buy. Or maybe you just want to wait for it to come to Digital. We’re taking a look at when the movie could head to DVD, Blu-ray, and Digital.
When will The King’s Daughter come to DVD and Blu-ray?
It’s hard to determine a date for The King’s Daughter on DVD and Blu-ray. This movie has been created by multiple studios. Gravitas Ventures is behind the release, but there are multiple considerations to make when it comes to this release.
The movie has been waiting for a release date for years. It’s also been released in the middle of the pandemic, and it has not been met with positive reviews. It is both a critical and a financial flop.
This could be one of those movies that gets a very quick DVD and Blu-ray release date to make back money as quickly as possible. It’s not yet available on Digital, but we could see a fairly quick release.
You can get the book the movie is based on right now. The King’s Daughter by Vonda N. McIntyre is available to purchase on Amazon.
The King’s Daughter is currently out in theaters.