As We See It premieres at the end of this week, and it’s going to be a must-watch dramedy for many. Is it going to be suitable for children to watch?
When a new series arrives on a streaming platform, you want to jump straight into it. However, you need to make sure it’s going to be suitable for everyone in the house who could end up watching it.
If you’re like me, you watch a lot of content with your children around. My children are young, so anything that isn’t suitable for them needs to be on when they go to bed or when they’re at their dad’s house.
Since As We See It isn’t out yet, it’s a little harder to find the age rating. That doesn’t make it impossible.
As We See It age rating
The official age rating in Canada is 16+. I only found this out because I could go to Amazon Prime Video to check it. In the U.S., this usually means that the show will have a 15+ or a TV-MA rating.
It does mean that the series is designed for older children and adults only. However, we all know how children the best.
The age rating is going to be linked to some of the language and nudity in the series. It’s worth, as a parent, to check out As We See It alone and then see if it’s going to be suitable for your children. You’ll have the best idea.
Each country has its own way of managing the rating system. If you’re not in Canada or the U.S., you’ll definitely want to check your own. What I have found is that most 16+ shows in Canada are rated 18 in Australia and New Zealand but rated 15 in the UK. That’s just a general guide.
As We See It is coming to Prime Video on Friday, Jan. 21.