The Expanse series finale will be the longest episode ever

The Expanse Season 6 -- Courtesy of Shane Mahood/Amazon Prime Video
The Expanse Season 6 -- Courtesy of Shane Mahood/Amazon Prime Video

Disappointed that The Expanse Season 6 only has six episodes? The Expanse series finale is going to be much longer than normal.

We were all disappointed to hear that the final season of The Expanse would only have six episodes. It turns out that there are a couple of reasons for this, and part of it was because of the pandemic. That doesn’t make the fact any less disappointing, though.

Is six episodes enough to wrap up all the storylines? The show’s creators think so, but there was one stipulation needed. The Expanse series finale needed to be a longer-than-normal episode.

How long is The Expanse series finale?

According to Gizmodo, the final episode of the series is going to be longer than we’re used to. It’s going to be around the 75-minute mark based on the statement that it will be an episode and a half. Most episodes now are around the 50-minute mark now.

This will make the episode the longest one ever. It certainly makes sense to make the series finale the longest episode. It’s going to be the episode that sees the Roci and any others behind them face off against Marco and his Free Navy. It will be the moment that sees the fight for peace.

The Expanse series finale will take air on Friday, Jan. 14, 2022. It is disappointing that we’ll have to wait until 2022, but we know that the episode is going to be worth that wait. This whole season is going to be worth the wait, especially based on the way the premiere went.

For now, this is the end of the series. The creators are willing to do more, but there were a few reasons that went into ending with the sixth season. This was also something the creators were expecting based on the way the sixth book ends. That doesn’t mean fans should stay quiet to get more from this universe.

What do you think about the long series finale? What do you need to see for the story to feel complete? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

The Expanse airs Fridays on Amazon Prime VideoThe Expanse series finale will air on Friday, Jan. 14, 2022.