At the end of I Know What You Did Last Summer Episode 5, we heard a woman gasping for air in the woods. We didn’t see who it was. Who is close to death?
There have been a lot of big reveals and a lot of hints of secrets on I Know What You Did Last Summer. One thing we learned quickly was that Clara, a cult member, had Lennon’s body. Bruce wasn’t surprised or even angry about that.
We had wondered if she was going to turn out to be the killer. That doesn’t seem so.
During Episode 5, her machete was taken by someone else. And then we later saw it bloodied in the woods. It was close to a woman struggling for breaths, making us wonder who will be the next victim?
Was it Clara in the woods on I Know What You Did Last Summer?
We can rule out three female characters at the end of the episode. Margo, Allison (pretending to be Lennon), and Mel were all together at the end of the previous episode. Allison turned up at Mel’s house with a suitcase asking if she could stay and climbed into bed with Margo.
There are plenty of female characters who could have been in the woods. The most obvious is Clara, who lives around the woods and was seen with that machete. Is it possible the killer took Clara out? That seems shortsighted when Clara is a suspect for many.
So, what about Riley? We didn’t see her at the end of the episode. Or there is the chance it’s Lyla or even Courtney.
In the end, it’s likely to be Clara. Apart from Johnny, none of the deaths have really meant much to the group of teens. With two episodes left, it’s still likely to be someone minor instead of another one of the main teens.
Who do you think is the dying woman in the woods? Who do you think is the killer on I Know What You Did Last Summer? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
I Know What You Did Last Summer airs Fridays on Amazon Prime Video.