Could Cobra Kai Season 3 get a DVD and Blu-ray release?
Cobra Kai Season 3 is now available to binge-watch on Netflix. And I’m sure that’s what you’re all doing. Don’t you want to own it on DVD and Blu-ray, too?
Despite now being a Netflix Original, there is a chance that the Karate Kid continuation series will come to DVD and Blu-ray. After all, the first two seasons are available, although mostly in international formats rather than Region 1.
Sony TV is the production company behind the series, and it prefers to put its shows out on DVD and Blu-ray.
But could Netflix change the rules? After all, it was different when it was on a smaller platform like YouTube Red, wasn’t it?
Cobra Kai Season 3 could still come to DVD
We just have to look at other shows that Netflix has kept going while other networks haven’t. The Last Kingdom was originally a BBC production, then it was a joint BBC and Netflix production, and now it is just a Netflix production.
It’s not surprising that the first two seasons were released on DVD and Blu-ray. Despite moving to being purely a Netflix Original, The Last Kingdom continues to come to DVD. We could see the same thing happen with Cobra Kai.
If this does happen, we probably won’t see the release happen for at least six months. However, it’s more likely to be closer to a year, similarly to The Crown.
How about coming to Digital?
The first two seasons of Cobra Kai are available to buy on Digital. You can get them through Amazon Video right now. What about Season 3?
The Last Kingdom continued to get a Digital release after moving to Netflix. It’s possible that this series will, too. However, like the DVD release, don’t expect Cobra Kai Season 3 to come to Digital for at least six months to a year.
Cobra Kai Season 3 is currently only available to stream on Netflix.