When will The Expanse Season 5, Episode 4 be on Amazon Prime Video?

Photo: The Expanse: Season 4.. Image Courtesy Amazon Studios
Photo: The Expanse: Season 4.. Image Courtesy Amazon Studios

When can you watch The Expanse Season 5, Episode 4 on Amazon?

You’ve worked your way through the first three episodes of The Expanse Season 5. We knew it wouldn’t take you long. Now you want to know where The Expanse Season 5, Episode 4, titled “Gaugamela,” is.

You’ll have to wait a while for the fourth episode of the season. Yes, it’s disappointing, but this was announced a fair time back. Don’t go leaving negative reviews on the Amazon listing just because of the decision to release weekly! It won’t change anything.

The Expanse Season 5 is working the same way as The Boys Season 2. The idea is to keep the show in front of us for longer. And it certainly seemed to work for The Boys, which became the most-watched Amazon Original of 2020. It will likely work for our show, too.

So, when is The Expanse Season 5, Episode 4 going to be on Amazon Prime Video exactly? There isn’t too long to wait.

The Expanse Season 5, Episode 4 release date

You’ll get the next new episode on Wednesday, Dec. 23. The release is set for midnight GMT, but we know Amazon Originals work on timezones. That means it’s highly likely the release will happen at 7 p.m. ET/4 p.m. PT.

I’m sure you’ll be keeping an eye out, right?

So far, we’ve worked through the humans starting to leave the solar system in search for a better world and the Belters getting fed up with exploitation against them. During Episode 3, Avasarala figured out what Marco was up to, and now the universe is going to find out. As his plan is revealed, you can expect a lot to happen.

At the same time, there’s a problem from space coming to Earth. Will Earth be able to protect itself?

The Expanse Season 5, Episode 4 is on Amazon Prime Video on Dec. 23.