The Wilds Season 1, Episode 2 recap: Day Two

The Wilds. Pictured (L-R): Mia Healy (Shelby Goodkind), Sarah Pidgeon (Leah Rilke), Reign Edwards (Rachel Reid). Credit: Matt Klitscher/Amazon Studios
The Wilds. Pictured (L-R): Mia Healy (Shelby Goodkind), Sarah Pidgeon (Leah Rilke), Reign Edwards (Rachel Reid). Credit: Matt Klitscher/Amazon Studios

The Wilds Season 1, Episode 2 focuses on Rachel’s story

We get Day Two of the girls’ time on the island during The Wilds Season 1, Episode 2. It’s all about Rachel’s story.

While we see Rachel’s time before the island, we also get to see her determination to get help. There have to be others on the island, right?

It certainly leaves us with a lot of questions, though. She talks about her sister, Nora, as if something bad happened. What happened to Nora?

Rachel’s dream to be an Olympic diver

When we see Rachel’s backstory on The Wilds Season 1, Episode 2, we see her determination and dream to be an Olympic diver. It’s not for her, though. Her coach makes it clear that Rachel doesn’t have the build to be a diver.

That isn’t going to stop Rachel’s dream, though. She becomes obsessed with the dream, which leads to an eating disorder. When her parents find out, she enters rehab, although Rachel doesn’t believe there’s anything wrong with her. She just needs to get back to diving.

Despite being told she isn’t the right build to succeed, Rachel doesn’t give up on her dream. She goes into the next dive with her whole family watching. However, the dive goes wrong and she hits her head.

Rachel later admits that all she ever wanted was for her parents to notice her. She’s always felt unnoticed as the family games are about spelling and book smarts, which plays to Nora’s skills. Yet, Nora has always felt like the one that’s gone unnoticed.

At the end of The Wilds Season 1, Episode 2, Rachel shows her left hand. She’s lost it during her time on the island. And we still don’t really know what happened to Nora.

An attempt to find someone

Rachel, Leah, and Shelby head out on a trip to the top of a mountain on the island. They need to get to the top to get a bird’s eye view of the island. They also take a mirror to be able to use light to shine to whoever is around.

The mirror drops off a cliff, though. Rachel’s frustrated and angry, and she takes all that out on everyone else, including her sister. In fact, she doesn’t even want Nora to come with them at first, but Nora goes against her sisters’ wishes.

The trip up the mountain is in vain. The island is completely deserted. They need to hope that hlp will come.

The expedition continues on The Wilds Season 1, Episode 2

While all this happens with the girls, the Dawn of Eve people continue to work behind the scenes. They’ve decided to keep the situation going despite the death of their operative. 

It’s still unclear what this is all about. It’s unclear if the parents even knew the full extent of the situation. However, we know that the teens are being watched by cameras on the island. How long until the girls find those cameras?

What did you think of Rachel’s story? What do you think happened to Nora? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

The Wilds Season 1 is available to stream on Amazon Prime Video.