10 biggest questions for Utopia Season 2

Sasha Lane as Jessica Hyde in Utopia - Courtesy of Elizabeth Morris / Amazon Studios
Sasha Lane as Jessica Hyde in Utopia - Courtesy of Elizabeth Morris / Amazon Studios
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Utopia – Courtesy of Elizabeth Morris / Amazon Studios
Utopia – Courtesy of Elizabeth Morris / Amazon Studios

4. What is Katherine Milner’s big plan?

The Utopia Season 2 questions aren’t just about whether Milner is Mr. Rabbit. We need to know what her big plan is.

She doesn’t want to follow Christie’s plan. While the two originally worked together, it sounds like they’re now on different journeys.

We know Christie’s plan, but what’s Milner’s? She wants to rebirth the world, but how is she going to do that? What will that mean for the population problem?

3. What will Michael Stearnes do with the mother egg?

As all that goes on, Michael Stearnes surprised us. Rather than destroyed every single egg that held the vaccine, he took the mother egg. He even turned the heat up on his car to keep it incubated, suggesting that he’s going to use this egg.

Michael doesn’t want to release the vaccine, though. Not this one. Not now that he knows it’s not his vaccine for his flu. He’s probably going to take the egg to research it. Or maybe it’s to release the truth about it.

Does he know anyone that he can trust? Past events would say no, but maybe the CDC could help.