The Man in the High Castle: Was the ending for the characters fitting?

The Man in the High Castle -- Photo credit: Liane Hentscher/Amazon Prime Video
The Man in the High Castle -- Photo credit: Liane Hentscher/Amazon Prime Video
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The Man in the High Castle — Photo credit: Liane Hentscher/Amazon Prime Video
The Man in the High Castle — Photo credit: Liane Hentscher/Amazon Prime Video

Juliana and Wyatt

Finally, we come to the Resistance. Juliana and Wyatt got the ending they sort of imagined. The bullet train was blown off the rails and John Smith was killed. However, they couldn’t destroy the portal. By the time they got there, the portal had been opened and people were walking through it.

This is the ambiguous moment. We have no idea what this really means, and neither do Juliana and Wyatt. All they know is that they have a lot of displaced people.

Their fight isn’t over. In a sense, this is fitting for them. Could you really see the two of them going to a house with a white picket fence and 2.4 children? Of course not! They are fighters. There is no ending for them that involves even a semi-normal life.

The question is who they’d join in the upcoming battles. They’ll want to continue taking down the Nazis but can they support everything the BCR could be willing to do? Will we end up with a three-pronged war?

And while it looks like the two have a chance to be together, is that really the case? Juliana has spent a lot of time closed off. She’s avoided relationships because the people she gets close to get hurt. Wyatt has spent time like that, too. Will it take two very similar people to make each other happy?

What did you think of The Man in the High Castle‘s final season? Did the characters get the endings they deserve? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

The Man in the High Castle is available to stream in full on Amazon Prime Video.