4. Vida
When you need something that’s modern, dynamic, and representative, you’ll want to turn to Vida. This STARZ Original is about two Latina sisters, who return to their home after the death of their mother. Estranged from each other and their mother, the two learn that they may have more in common with each other than they believe.
What they soon learn is that their mother was married to a woman. Now the bar and building that their mother owned is to be split three ways and not everyone wants to sell it.
Vida is more than just another TV series about a family coming together after grief. It’s representative of color and sexuality. It’s a powerful series that will make you fall in love with the characters, standing behind them as they head through their journeys. With a female and Latinx writer’s room and showrunner, this is fair, supportive, and perfect for today’s TV landscape.
Plus, there is the family dynamic. Three individual people find their way through their grief, learn more about themselves, and figure out that they are certainly connected by more than just one woman.
There are currently two seasons on the streaming service right now. The third has been confirmed and will likely air in 2020.