10 questions we have for Hanna Season 2

Hanna -- Photo Credit: Christopher Raphael/Amazon Prime Video -- Acquired via epk.tv
Hanna -- Photo Credit: Christopher Raphael/Amazon Prime Video -- Acquired via epk.tv
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Hanna — Photo Credit: Christopher Raphael/Amazon Prime Video — Acquired via epk.tv

6. What’s next for Utrax?

Utrax had to dispose of one of its facilities. However, unlike the first time when they were infiltrated, the test subjects haven’t been killed. Instead, they’ve been moved to another facility. It looks like Utrax isn’t done with creating its super-human soldiers.

So, what is next? Where will the test subjects and employees be taken next?

The “Wilberforce Facility” was mentioned during the first season. After that, airbase 910 was mentioned. Could these be clues as to the location of the next facility?

Considering Hanna will need to get this information somehow, it leads me to the next question.

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5. Will Dan continue to research into Utrax?

By the end of the season, Dan had a lot of information about Hanna. That information helped him find a black site. He knew something was up but he couldn’t figure out exactly what that was. However, this guy isn’t just going to give up, right?

Despite knowing that researching this will be dangerous, curiosity will likely get the better of Dan (and even Sophie). This could be how they’re linked back to Hanna in the second season. We could find out from him where the next facility could be.

Maybe, he’ll even find information that helps explain who Girl 249 is. This could then link to a way to find out who her parents are.