25 Prime Originals that make your Amazon Prime membership totally worth it

The Boys -- Photo credit Jan Thijs/Amazon Prime Video -- Acquired via EPK.TV
The Boys -- Photo credit Jan Thijs/Amazon Prime Video -- Acquired via EPK.TV
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18. Goliath

Want a legal thriller that’s easy to get through and wholly entertaining at the same time? Goliath is the show to turn to. Starring Billy Bob Thornon and written by David E. Kelley, this is the show that tops all other legal dramas on primetime, cable, and streaming services right now. Kelley is known for the likes of The Practice and spin-off Boston Legal and this series is just as good.

Thornton plays Billy McBride, an alcoholic has-been lawyer who ends up with a case just fall into his lap. This isn’t just any case, either. It’s against one of the biggest tech firms going and it’s his former firm that is representing the other side. Oh, and did I say the former firm has put McBride’s ex-wife and former legal partner in charge.

NCIS‘ Mario Bello and William Hurt star as the ex-wife and former partner in question. Yes, it’s just as juicy as it sounds and doesn’t rely on the stereotypes. But it can be sometimes predictable in a spectacular and laughable fashion. Especially if you’ve watched plenty of legal dramas.

The benefit of Goliath is that it doesn’t try to be new. It doesn’t want you to think outside the box. The storylines may be simplistic in nature, but the writing is on point and you have plenty of morally questionable characters to make you think twice about everything you’re being told.

When you want a good binge, Goliath is definitely the show to turn to. The show has been renewed for a fourth and final season.