Amazon Prime Video may not be as big as Netflix yet, but it is growing. More Prime Originals are being added each month. Here are 25 that totally make that Prime membership worth it.
Let’s be honest, Amazon Prime Video has a long way to go to beat Netflix. However, Amazon is trying by offering more Prime Originals every month. Whether you want movies or TV shows, there’s something to entertain you.
Of course, a Prime membership isn’t just about access to Prime Video (unless you’re in one of the countries that offers a Prime Video membership separate from the full Prime membership). There’s much more to offer, especially in the United States. You can access Amazon Channels, Twitch, Amazon Music, Two-Day Free Shipping, and so much more.
If Prime Video is your main reason for signing up (it is mine), then you’ll want to make sure it’s worth your money. $129 is a lot for a yearly membership.
While there are plenty of old and new movies available through the membership service, you want something exciting and unique. Chances are you want the content that is exclusively on Amazon, which means you’re looking at the Prime Originals. And there are plenty.
Here are 25 Prime Originals that definitely make your Amazon Prime membership worth it.