10 STARZ Originals to watch through Amazon Channels

Ash vs. Evil Dead -- Photo credit: Ash vs. Evil Dead -- Acquired via STARZ Media Site
Ash vs. Evil Dead -- Photo credit: Ash vs. Evil Dead -- Acquired via STARZ Media Site
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9. Da Vinci’s Demons

You’ve heard of Leonard Da Vinci, there’s no doubt about that. What you may not know is that as well as an artist, he was an inventor. Tom Riley takes on the titular role, showing a man of passion, intrigue, and incredible intelligence.

This completely fictionalized tale of the legendary artist looks into his early life during the Italian Renaissance period. While a genius, he is full of inner demons that he struggles to contain. The trailer alone shows you his eccentric nature and how his imagination could take control. All he wants is acceptance from his father, but is it something that will ever come?

Push away everything you think you know about Da Vinci. While a fictionalized tale, it looks into some of the theories and stories of the legend. There’s a chance to see his works as a military engineer, while also looking at his relationship with the de Medicis of Italy develop.

And then there’s the magical tale that STARZ Originals are always eager to add in. He goes on a quest to find the Book of Leaves with the aim to unlock the hidden parts of his mind. Will he find the Fountain of Memory and what happens when he’s pulled into the Sons of Mithras cult? Are you ready to his history unfold?